About Me

  My Life: The Abbreviated Version

Nearly ten years ago, I  graduated from school and was right on time for the U.S.’s first mini-recession.  There were hardly any jobs and those that were plentiful, paid pitiful wages.

Author Rachel RuebenVia ThumbPress

I went into freelance writing and got a few gigs but struggled as print magazines and newspapers started closing.  So I went back to looking for a real job, but there was a problem, it had been five years since I graduated and my skills looked like this to employers…

Image by Adina Voicu via Pixabay

Following the advice of a career coach, I volunteered, and found a writer’s group looking for a virtual assistant.  I applied and imagine my surprise when they said yes.

Image via Pixels via Pixbay

Being around real writers lit a fire under me and I devoted 100% of my time to writing a children’s book called, “Escape of the Dodos,” but after 40 rejections, I started wondering if I was any good?…


I discovered the publishing business was in a flux, so this was basically the 3rd time I had trouble finding work due to reasons beyond my control.

Banksy photo by Joe Wolf via Flickr

Then during the year of 2010, several young, gay teens committed suicide after being tormented by their peers.  So I decided to write Hag and by March of 2012, I had a novel that I pitched to several agents but they all declined.

Image by The Digital Artist via Pixbay

Frustrated, I made the choice to publish it myself.  With very little money, I designed the cover and then one thing led to another…

All 3 Books RR 2015

Now I’m an author and couldn’t be happier!

Image by Pexels via Pixabay

If you want to know more, you can check out my blog on self-publishing called Writing By The Seat Of My Pants.  You can also follow my latest romance story about a Mafia Princess and the cop who’s trying to either save her or throw her in jail.  The Fedelta series is posted the 2nd of every month on the Cereal Author’s blog.

6 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Rachael, You are thrilling – a ray of hope, a genius guru. After being away from my writing world for several years, I’ve just read your superbe book ‘Self-Publishing Hacks No One Tells You About’. Easy to read, complete in content flow and thorough in thinking. Amazing and free info for beginners and oldies alike. You now have a dedicated FAN. I’m changing hosts,y websites are down. But I’m back to work…..thanks!!!
    Sandy Simmons, aka Jenine Alexander theotherlover-a-novel.com (hey, there now is
    another TheOtherLover. Have I been away too long???!!!!)


  2. Hi Sandy, and welcome back! I’ve walked away several times too, so no, it’s not too late. I’m glad you enjoyed the book, I wrote it for several of my friends who are just starting their journey. But if I’m honest, I wrote it for myself, this is the book I needed when I started.

    Good luck with you upcoming novel, I wish you all the success in the world. 😀


  3. Pingback: J.D. Holiday
  4. Hello!
    I haven’t read much of this website or your other one yet, but I landed upon this post (Old School vs New School Crowdfunding: Which One Should Authors Consider? Part 2) then your About Me page when I googled Swoon Reads. Very interesting information you talked about – I was thinking about submitting a manuscript to them. Now, I’m having second thoughts, thanks to you! 🙂 I’ll be looking into more of your posts, but for now, I’d just like to say thanks, and ask if you have any advice as to where I could possibly submit work – I’ve looked into Wattpad, but I’m not that sold on it just yet, similarly to Swoon Reads.
    Well, hope that wasn’t confusing. Thanks ma’am!
    -Little Lion |STSI |Many Stories|Two Authors|One Website|


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